He will always be remembered as an extraordinary talented man. Lead singer of Jackson 5, an exciting performer of his genereation known for his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves and high pitched voice punctuated with squeals and titters. Having a terademarks of squined glove, tight, military style jacket and aviator sungalsses. His blockbuster hits are Billie Jean,Thriller, Beat it are still alive of this years. An all around singer and shatter the race barrier on MTV uniting the black and white music.
Lets not talked about his scandals, intrigues, the Neverland ranch and the physical transformation of his body. Lets be one again as our world performer has died in a sudden death that no one has expected to be. This only symbolizes that no matter how rich and famous and talented you are theres only one path we all gonna have in the end so make the most like Michael Jackson who played and sing for us showing off his talent for a good cost.