Christmas itself represents a Holiday season that has taken on countless meanings all over this diverse country of ours; from snow covered hills to pink lights on palm trees, nativity scenes to peppermint pigs. Ebenezer Scrooge and The Grinch, as well as Miracle on 34th Street and It’s A Wonderful Life, all hold a special place in our hearts. Some of us may travel across the country during Christmas time, while others of us may simply travel across the street.

We gather to celebrate life, and family, and those we love. We gather to enjoy good food, good conversation and good company. We reminisce about past holidays, remember those we love who are no longer with us, and plan for the future. We share photos, we share gifts, and we share laughs. At Christmas time we look for the innocent sparkle in our children’s eyes as we help them to create their own memories, and tuck them soundly into bed with a smile on their faces as ‘visions of sugar plums dance in their heads’.
No matter our age, our race, or our nationality; No matter our heritage, our upbringing, or our traditions; At Christmas time, we live, we laugh, and we love.